Thursday, 19 May 2016

Engineering Worskhops for 3rd and 4th classes

3rd and 4th class were very lucky to take part in two engineering workshops given by ‘Seiche Training’.

 The first Workshop was called ‘Exploring Our Oceans Through Sound’ and the second was called ‘Construct an Underwater Microphone’.

·        Description:
With visual presentations and interactive activities the children discovered the physics of sound and how it travels through different mediums. 

They listened to underwater recordings of marine animal vocalisations. 

This demonstrated the huge variety of sounds these animals produce in order to communicate and navigate in an underwater world. 

They discovered the world’s biggest toothed whale, the sperm whale, and how it uses sound to hunt in complete darkness.

With a real working hydrophone the children explored how and why scientists study underwater sounds.

 Using technology, they discovered that we can not only hear underwater sounds but we can ‘see’ them too.
   Key activities:
1.     Physics of sound
2.    Sources of underwater sounds
3.    Listening to marine animal acoustics
4.    ‘seeing’ underwater sounds

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

The marine biologist, Loraine, left us with a real hydraphone (constructed by Adam and Sean). All the classes in our school can now use this to hear underwater sounds!

The boys and girls were involved in many experiments throughout these workshops:
1. Can you hear sound through wool?
2.Make a hydrophone to listen to underwater sounds.
3. Can we feel sound?
4. Can we see sound?
5. Can we hear sound through solid objects?
6. Hearing sound and seeing sound using a real hydrophone.

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